Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Still Alice by Lisa Genova

I think this is the SCARIEST book I have ever read. I used to love Stephen King, and this is scarier. By alot. Because it could really happen, and could happen to me or someone I love.

It's the story (fictional, but convincingly and hauntingly real) of a Harvard professor who faces early onset Alzheimer's disease. The author has a PhD in neuroscience from Harvard, and writes with compassion and honesty. The story beautifully portrays the relationship that blossoms with between Alice and her estranged daughter at the same time Alice is losing her memory and way of life. Unforgettable. Convincing enough that I will probably switch to the no aluminum deodorant stones my mother keeps giving me for Christmas in order to have one more defense against this disease! 

Topic Tracker: Compassion, Mother/daughter relationships, self-perception, 

This is a "grown-up" book, but appropriate for any child 14 and up interested in Alzheimers (for whatever reason).

SBD: Read November 2011

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